Celebrating Confederate History Month
Profile: Captain & Dr. Daniel L. Kennedy of Metter
(As appeared in the Metter Advertiser 2003-written by Jay Clifton and Tony Thompson)
April is Confederate History Month in Georgia. In keeping with the tradition of honoring our Confederate Soldiers and in conjunction with this year’s Centennial Celebration of Metter and Candler County, The Dixie Guards Camp # 1942; Sons of Confederate Veterans are profiling notable local Confederates each week during the month. This week's profile is on Captain Daniel Leonard Kennedy of Metter.
Dan Kennedy was born on January 21, 1836. In 1855, he left his home at the age of 19 to join the fighting in the Seminole War of Florida. Young Dan left from Bulloch County on his own horse and rode some 500 miles to enlist in the fighting at the Everglades. Kennedy fought in that conflict for two full years. When he returned home, the War for Southern Independence was brewing. He first enlisted in 1861 and went off to combat. Shortly afterwards, he felt compelled to bring more men into the fray from his home area, so he returned home and trained some 50 area men to form his own company. They followed Dan Kennedy into service and were attached to the 47th Georgia Infantry, Company G, known as the Tattnall Invincibles. Captain Phillip Tippins was the first commander of this company but later; Captain Dan Kennedy was chosen to lead the company. They fought as part of the Army of Tennessee and participated in battles at Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Kennesaw Mountain and the Atlanta Campaign. Later, the company was reorganized as Company H, First Georgia Regulars, commanded by Kennedy. The company surrendered to Union General William T. Sherman in Greensboro, North Carolina in April of 1865. Each soldier was issued $1.16 near the time of surrender and began their long walk home.
Below are the men who served with Capt. Kennedy
Aaron Anderson
Edward Anderson
John G. Anderson
John S. Anderson
William J. Anderson
John F. Bacon
William H. Bazemore
Joseph J. Bell

Clement T. Bowen
James Bradley

Simon W. Brewton
Wesley T. Clements
Harrison Clifton
John H. Clifton
James L. Coleman
Bryant Collins

George W. Collins
Jesse D. Collins
James Collins

Lewis Collins

Mitchell Collins
Newton Collins
Robert Henry Collins
Robert R. Collins
Rufus Collins

Thomas C. Collins
Paul J.A. Colson
James Conner

Christopher C. Coursey
Robert J. Coursey
James Cowart

John Cowart

Leonard Jackson Cowart
Isaac C. Daniel
James W. Daniel
William W. Daniel
Isham Clayton DeLoach
John Washington DeLoach
John Dickerson
A.J. Dubberly

John F. Dubberly
William W. Dubberly
Danniel Ferry

Winfield W. Futch
John Green
Francis Dempsey Griffin
William Jackson Griffin
John E. Hammock
David H. Holland
David Holland, Sr.
J.B. Holland
Perry Holland

Thomas Holland
Martin Jones
William T. Lightfoot
Daniel C. Lynn
Dennis E. Lynn
John L. Lynn

Josiah J. Lynn

Isham Martin
Joseph McCullough
Samuel McCullough
Elliott E. Mimbs
Alfred C. Moore
John Murphy

B.L. Nail
Jackson Newborn
Andrew J. Newman
Jacob Oliver
Daniel C. O'Neal
William H.H. O'Neal
John C. Parker
Solomon Rewis
William J. Rushing
Henry Ryals
Elam Sapp

Luke L. Sapp

Perry Sapp
Salem Sapp

Stephen Screws
Lewis Shenoch (Shenock)
Arthur Sikes

Benjamin Sikes
Daniel Sikes
Dyer C. Sikes

John Sikes

Joseph Sikes
Josiah Sikes

William W. Sikes
James H. Smith
Newton C. Southwell
Thomas H. Southwell
William E. Southwell
Andrew Standfield
Jesse Standfield
Thomas Standfield
Benjamin Stripling
G.W. Sullivan

Martin Sullivan
John F. Tatum

B.F. Thompson
John W. Tippins
Lucius A.H. Tippins
B.F. Thompson
Capel Tootle
Columbus Tootle
Enoch Tootle

Jeremiah Tootle
Simeon Tootle

James H. Warren
James M. Warren
James M. Waters
Joseph Waters

Stephen Weidencamp
James G. Wilds George B. Wilkes
George E. Wilkes
Altamond Williams
Benjamin S. Williams
Edward W. Wilson
James M. Wrenn
Hansford Yeomans
John H. Yeomans
John L. Yeomans 
Redding Yeomans
After the war, Kennedy became a medical doctor. He soon earned a favorable reputation and was one of more prominent physicians in the area. He settled in the area now known as Metter and was one of the leading citizens in the new community. He and wife Abbicilla built their home and commissary near the area that is the present site of the Candler County Hospital. The picture taken below of the home and the family are dated at about 1870.
At this time, Metter was still an unnamed rural crossroads on the Sunbury Road, but by the late 1880’s, enough people were living in the area that the United States Post Office agreed to provide local mail service. Before this time, the nearest post office was ten miles away in Excelsior. The U.S. Post Office required that any town receiving service must be named and policy required the submission of two names. Local history lore has it that Dr. Kennedy, as a leading founder of the community submitted two names to Washington for the postal service. According to earliest recollections, Kennedy’s wife Abbicilla suggested his own middle name, “Leonard” and “Meadow”. One story holds that a spelling error resulted in “Metter”, while another story holds that “Metter” was a derivative of “Met her” for his wife as the community was where he “met her”.
Dr. Kennedy lived until 1905, long enough to see the creation of Candler County and the emergence of Metter as a thriving community. He was elected as Metter's first elected mayor. Kennedy Street is named in honor of his family. He is buried in Lake Church Cemetery.